Exclusive offers & discounts
If your insurance policy is with GJW Direct, you’ll get access to exclusive offers and discounts when you sign up to MyBoat. Unlock your policyholder discounts to a range of recognised marine brands by creating an account now.

Explore some of the offers you could access
Enjoy 50% off savvy navvy for the first year subscription
When you sign up to MyBoat as a GJW Direct policyholder, you’ll unlock 50% off the first year subscription to the boat navigation app, savvy navvy.
Giving you access to tidal data, weather forecasting, and maps, savvy navvy helps you efficiently plan your boating journeys.

Get 10% off a Rockley Watersports course
Rockley has been a trusted provider of watersports courses for over 40 years.
Take your pick from the courses on offer for a rewarding way to learn a new skill and spend time out on the water. GJW Direct policyholders can enjoy 10% off their chosen course.

Unlock 20% off the August Race range
Keep your vessel gleaming with August Race, an award-winning manufacturer of marine maintenance products.
Sign up to MyBoat as a GJW Direct policyholder and get 20% off the entire August Race range.

Get 3 issues of Yachting World for £1
Get the most out of your sailing and stay updated with the latest news from the Yachting World magazine.
GJW Direct policyholders with a MyBoat account can get 3 issues for just £1.

Get 20% off Urban Truant courses
As one of the UK's leading RYA sail and powerboat training schools, Urban Truant helps boaters to master navigating the waters.
Sign up to MyBoat as a GJW Direct policyholder to get 20% off Urban Truant courses.